Sunday, January 31, 2010

When your body rebels...

Last week's 10 miler seemed a bit harder than it should have been and I was more tired than usual the next day - this should have told me something but I wasn't paying attention. On Tuesday I was still tired and took an extra day off. My spin workout on Wednesday was great but if you look at the Captain's Log to the right you'll see I haven't done anything since. I went to bed on Thursday with a fever and have been on the sidelines since. I was, in fact, so sick that I didn't work on Friday. I have 95+ sick hours - I never call in sick.

So, what happens now? I have done little but sleep since Friday. Today I finally am fever free and tomorrow I'll do a cross-training workout. My hope is to do an easy run on Tuesday and return to 3/4 speed later this week. I'm trying to remind myself that if I kept pushing through the workouts that I would lose more time to illness. I've missed more time in previous marathon years and been to do the mental work to remind myself that 1 week isn't the end of the world!

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